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How To Increase Your Facebook Page Reach

What is organic reach on Facebook

Organic reach refers to how many people you can reach for free on Facebook by posting to your Page.

Why Facebook Organic Reach Is Declining

The first reason involves a simple fact: More and more content is being created and shared every day. You’ve probably felt this change yourself.

More content is being published than there is news feed space for it to be shown. There are more than 30 billion pieces of content published every month on Facebook.

How to increase organic Reach

 Just a few years ago, sharing important moments and experiences, articles you’ve read, and photos and videos of your loved ones was a relatively labor-intensive process.

Facebook's news feed algorithm

Facebook provides only the most relevant content to each user. In order to increase engagement and optimize user experience, the content shown is tailored to each user’s individual interests.

Today, thanks to devices like smartphones, many people can share this content with just a few swipes of the finger or taps of a button.

Post attractive content

You need to attract potential buyers and funnel them into your sales funnel. When you do this organically, it won’t cost you anything besides time and effort. The second reason involves how News Feed works. Rather than showing people all possible content, News Feed is designed to show each person on Facebook the content that’s most relevant to them. Of the 1,500+ stories a person might see whenever they log onto Facebook, News Feed displays approximately 300. To choose which stories to show, News Feed ranks each possible story (from more to less important) by looking at thousands of factors relative to each person.
In turn, the price of converting these potential buyers into actual buyers will be less. That’s because the results of an organic campaign tend to snowball. This means that when more people engage with your content, it adds context to your campaigns. The more organic reach that you have, the better your lead generation and conversion funnels will work.

Use organic post targeting

Use organic post targeting Targeting isn’t limited to Facebook Ads. You can even target your organic posts to make sure that they reach the right people. Organic content still has value on Facebook, and Pages that publish great content — content that teaches people something, entertains them, makes them think, or in some other way adds value to their lives — can still reach people in News Feed. However, anticipating organic reach can be unpredictable, and having a piece of content “go viral” rarely corresponds to a business’s core goals. Your business will see much greater value if you use Facebook to achieve specific business objectives, like driving in-store sales or boosting app downloads. Like TV, search, newspapers, radio and virtually every other marketing platform, Facebook is far more effective when businesses use paid media to help meet their goals. Your business won’t always appear on the first page of a search result unless you’re paying to be part of that space. Similarly, paid media on Facebook allows businesses to reach broader audiences more predictably, and with much greater accuracy than organic content.

Focus on providing good content

You can serve your post to relevant customers based on their gender, age, education, location, and even interest. You can set an end date for your post to stop showing in the news feed. The post only limits the visibility of your post in the feed. On your Page’s timeline, it’ll show up to all of your fans. Your post has to at least target 20 people. You might get below this threshold if your page only has a few thousand fans. There is no easy answer to the timing question. You need to consider: Your location and that of your audience Your audience profile (age, interests, occupation, etc) The type of content that you create The scheduling tools that you have at your disposal CoSchedule reports that the optimal time is between 1-4 PM. They even broke it down according to the each day of the week: Saturday and Sunday at 12–1 PM Thursday and Friday at 1–4 PM Wednesday at 3 PM

1: Publish videos natively on Facebook
2: Test your posting frequency
3: Partner with other Facebook pages in your niche
4: Use advocacy to grow your brand
5: Let your email list do the tango 12: Run Contests
6: Share posts from your Facebook page on your Facebook profile
7: Grab attention and Inspire action with persuasive copy
8: Use hashtags the right way
9: Go against the grain to stand out

While it’s been around for awhile, the feature has gotten more useful with the decrease in organic reach of quality content. Photos have become an unpopular post type with users, and hence, with marketers. My recommendation is to post all types of updates that add value for your fans, be it links, images, status updates, or videos.

Facebook organic Reach

Don’t force one content form into another just because a certain type of post is currently performing better on Facebook. Analyze your data from Facebook Insights to find the type of posts that resonate with your audience. Avoid posting more than the recommended 1-3 times/day. It can overwhelm your audience. But, you can post more often at widely different times if you’ve got an international audience. This’ll help you reach out to different segments of your audience (who live in a different time zone or log in to Facebook occasionally). Always post high-quality content. Engage your audience with humor, inspirational, and educational content. You can be successful, even with a higher posting frequency, by providing great content variety. Mix your posting schedule and post types. Test your page frequency. Only your data can reveal your audience’s exact response.

If you can, try serving value in the types of content that your audience likes. You can also ask your audience what they prefer and respect their choice. Simply create a poll within your facebook page.

If you implement the strategies that I share in this post, you’ll be well on your way to improving your organic reach.

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